Division 20 attendees at the Saturday luncheon.

2024 District Convention

President-designate Tom Watson, Membership Committee Co-chair Juan Negroni, and Secretary Bob Uzenoff attended the 106th annual convention of the Kiwanis New England and Bermuda District in Springfield, Massachusetts on Saturday, August 17, 2024 as the Kiwanis Club of Weston’s delegates.

At the 2023/2024 District Board Retirement Dinner on Friday, the day before our delegation arrived, Patrick Tokarz was inducted as our Division 17 lieutenant governor, and club was named recipient of the Governor’s Exemplary Club Secretary award for consistent completion of monthly club reports. President Amy nominated our club for this award. Congratulations to Assistant Secretary Dan Gilbert for this well-deserved recognition. Dan prepares our club’s monthly reports and submits them to Kiwanis International.

Weston was selected awarded the District Publication Award. The award honors Kiwanis clubs in the New England & Bermuda District that produce high-quality communication materials. These materials help share Kiwanis news and grow our outreach. President Amy nominated our club, submitting supporting documentation demonstrating our worthiness.

On Saturday, a Memorial Breakfast paid tribute to Rick Amil, Tom Glass Tom, and other district members who died since the last convention. Juan, and Bob divided up the schedule and the three participated in varied leadership training workshops in the morning. The Kiwanis Foundation of New England (KFNE) and Meet the Candidates Luncheon prepared delegates for the House of Delegates business meeting where the main business was the election of Kristin Holden as 2024/2025 Governor.

District Members filled 100 backpacks for local children and 100 Jared Boxes for children in hospitals all over New England. Saturday concluded with a cocktail hour, 2024/2025 Board installation dinner, and a magic show presented by a member, the District Parliamentarian.

On Sunday, the Key Club Governor and Circle K Governor reported at the Kiwanis Family Breakfast on the amazing work our Service Leadership Programs (SLPs) are doing. The annual meeting concluded at noon with concurrent Kiwanis and Key Club board meetings.

The annual meeting is a valuable experience when members meet, learn, share, and are inspired realizing how together we do so much more for children.

Pictured above: District 20 attendees at the Saturday luncheon were Foster Crawford (Danbury), Paula Conte (Norwalk), Tom Watson (Weston), Kathy Crawford (Danbury) Bob Uzenoff (Weston), Fil Magrino (Danbury), Juan Negroni (Weston), Joe Magrino (Danbury), and Cindy Perham (Fairfield, not pictured because she is taking the picture.
