Description: The club’s Awards Committee proposes awards to be given by the club, including qualifications and other criteria and the material and monetary, if any, form of the award for board approval.
The committee identifies candidates, selects the recipients of these club awards, and prepares the awards for presentation at a club meeting.
In addition, the award winners and their families are invited to a Kiwanis Meeting and the Summer Picnic event to meet the Club Members. The Committee also assures publicity concerning these awards to the Community at Large.
Chairpersons: Tom Watson (President) Members: Reed Ameden, David Burns, Karen Chrisley, Frank Ferrara, Phyllis Gary, Hutch Hutchins, Amy Jenner (Immediate Past President), Dallas Kersey, Dan Lerner (Treasurer), Harvey Luft, Jim McMorris, John Moran, Harry Spencer (President-elect), Steve Thomas, Bob Uzenoff (Secretary), Tom Watson (President), David Weber, Lisa Wexler
The board consists of five officers elected for one-year terms and ten directors in two classes elected for staggered two-year terms. Terms are October 1 through September 30.
The board provides general management of the club not otherwise delegated to the membership in its bylaws or club policies, assures the club complies with applicable governmental rules and regulations, determines the good-standing status of members by club policy, and performs other duties as provided in the bylaws and club policies.
Chairperson: Bob Uzenoff Members: Bill Brady, Keith Johnson, Debbie Rose, Bob Uzenoff
Purpose: review the club’s and foundation’s bylaws and develop recommendations for amendment and restatement.
Term: the committee shall be dissolved upon completion of its charge.
Duties: to report proposed amended and revised bylaws to the club and foundation no later than Saturday, April 5, 2025, for approval by the members at the club and foundation annual meetings on Saturday, May 3, 2025.
Chairpersons: Harry Falber Members: Harry Spencer, Lisa Wexler
Purpose: Responsible for community outreach and engagement.
Duties: Developing, updating, and monitoring social networking accounts consistent with the social media policy and Kiwanis newsletter content to attract and retain current and prospective members.
Chairpersons: Allison Lisbon, Harvey Luft Members: Karen Chrisley, Ross Colbert, Frank Ferrara, Dan Gilbert, Ed Hutchins, Tom Johnson, Martin Mohabeer, Steve Thomas
Purpose: Support Kiwanis’ fifth Object, “To provide a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service, and to build a better community.” through the delivery of impactful service to the community.
Duties: The Community Service Committee shall study, devise and suggest methods and means whereby this club can render effective community services. The committee shall develop a community service budget based on available funds and shall submit such budget to the board of directors for its approval no later than the November board meeting.
Chairpersons: Reed Ameden, Harry Spencer Members: not specified
BYLAWS ARTICLE 8. FUNDS and ACCOUNTING … 8.3. The club’s financial records will be examined annually by either (a) a qualified accounting firm; or (b) a standing financial review committee, as provided in club policy. The club’s accounting records will be available for inspection by the accounting firm or the committee and, upon request, by the president or board. A written report of the annual financial examination shall be submitted to the board. …
To perform its annual financial examination as stated in Bylaws section 8.3, this club: Has a standing financial review committee composed of two or more qualified** club members, excluding any board members.
Selection of the members will be determined by vote of the club board.
Committee members’ terms shall be for one year each, October 1 – September 30. It is recommended that no person serve more than three (3) consecutive terms.
Note: An annual examination of financial records should include, but not be limited to, bank reconciliations, income, disbursements, budgets, balance sheets and income and expense statements for both the administrative and service accounts, budgets, and any other financial records or reports of the club.
Purpose: Support Kiwanis’ fifth Object, “To provide a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service, and to build a better community” by arranging visits to and from other clubs in our division and district, as well as inter-district get-togethers.
Duties: Coordinate meetings, visits, projects, and programs with other Kiwanis clubs and Kiwanis Family members.
Chairpersons: Juan Frank Ferrara Members: Reed Ameden, David Burns, Steve Haas, Harvey Luft
Purpose: to lead Memorial Day Weekend activities.
Duties: to explore, propose to the board for approval, and manage all aspects of activities on Memorial Day Weekend 2025 and report the results in a report to the board no later than the club meeting on Saturday, June 28, 2025.
Term: the committee is dissolved upon successful execution of its duties.
Chairpersons: Amy Jenner Members: Bill Brady, Amy Jenner, Harry Spencer, Steve Thomas, Tom Watson
Purpose: Identify and nominate candidates for officers and directors to fill vacant seats before the annual meeting. Other vacancies should be nominated within 60 days of his/her resignation.
Duties: Identify and nominate candidates for 5 officers and 5 directors to fill vacant seats prior to the annual meeting. Successors should be nominated within 60 days of his/her resignation. Traditionally, the Nominating Committee consists of a majority of our past presidents, the current president, and the president-elect.
Purpose: Provide fun and engaging social activities for everyone in Kiwanis.
Duties: The Social Events Committee plans and executes events designed to foster club member fellowship and family fun. The committee aims to break even financially annually.
Index: Awards, Board, Communications, Community Service, Financial Review, Fundraising, Inter-club Relations, Membership, Nominating, Programs, Social Events
Chairpersons: Dawn Egan
Members: not specified
Description: The club’s Awards Committee proposes awards to be given by the club, including qualifications and other criteria and the material and monetary, if any, form of the award for board approval.
The committee identifies candidates, selects the recipients of these club awards, and prepares the awards for presentation at a club meeting.
In addition, the award winners and their families are invited to a Kiwanis Meeting and the Summer Picnic event to meet the Club Members. The Committee also assures publicity concerning these awards to the Community at Large.
Chairpersons: Tom Watson (President)
Members: Reed Ameden, David Burns, Karen Chrisley, Frank Ferrara, Phyllis Gary, Hutch Hutchins, Amy Jenner (Immediate Past President), Dallas Kersey, Dan Lerner (Treasurer), Harvey Luft, Jim McMorris, John Moran, Harry Spencer (President-elect), Steve Thomas, Bob Uzenoff (Secretary), Tom Watson (President), David Weber, Lisa Wexler
The board consists of five officers elected for one-year terms and ten directors in two classes elected for staggered two-year terms. Terms are October 1 through September 30.
The board provides general management of the club not otherwise delegated to the membership in its bylaws or club policies, assures the club complies with applicable governmental rules and regulations, determines the good-standing status of members by club policy, and performs other duties as provided in the bylaws and club policies.
Chairperson: Bob Uzenoff
Members: Bill Brady, Keith Johnson, Debbie Rose, Bob Uzenoff
Purpose: review the club’s and foundation’s bylaws and develop recommendations for amendment and restatement.
Term: the committee shall be dissolved upon completion of its charge.
Duties: to report proposed amended and revised bylaws to the club and foundation no later than Saturday, April 5, 2025, for approval by the members at the club and foundation annual meetings on Saturday, May 3, 2025.
Chairpersons: Harry Falber
Members: Harry Spencer, Lisa Wexler
Purpose: Responsible for community outreach and engagement.
Duties: Developing, updating, and monitoring social networking accounts consistent with the social media policy and Kiwanis newsletter content to attract and retain current and prospective members.
Community Service
Chairpersons: Allison Lisbon, Harvey Luft
Members: Karen Chrisley, Ross Colbert, Frank Ferrara, Dan Gilbert, Ed Hutchins, Tom Johnson, Martin Mohabeer, Steve Thomas
Purpose: Support Kiwanis’ fifth Object, “To provide a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service, and to build a better community.” through the delivery of impactful service to the community.
Duties: The Community Service Committee shall study, devise and suggest methods and means whereby this club can render effective community services. The committee shall develop a community service budget based on available funds and shall submit such budget to the board of directors for its approval no later than the November board meeting.
Financial Review
Chairpersons: Reed Ameden, Harry Spencer
Members: not specified
8.3. The club’s financial records will be examined annually by either (a) a qualified accounting firm; or (b) a standing financial review committee, as provided in club policy. The club’s accounting records will be available for inspection by the accounting firm or the committee and, upon request, by the president or board. A written report of the annual financial examination shall be submitted to the board.
To perform its annual financial examination as stated in Bylaws section 8.3, this club: Has a standing financial review committee composed of two or more qualified** club members, excluding any board members.
Selection of the members will be determined by vote of the club board.
Committee members’ terms shall be for one year each, October 1 – September 30. It is recommended that no person serve more than three (3) consecutive terms.
Note: An annual examination of financial records should include, but not be limited to, bank reconciliations, income, disbursements, budgets, balance sheets and income and expense statements for both the administrative and service accounts, budgets, and any other financial records or reports of the club.
Chairpersons: not specified
Members: Harry Falber
Purpose: Raise funds to support youth projects/programs.
Duties: Raise funds.
Inter-club Relations
Chairpersons: Bob Uzenoff
Members: not specified
Purpose: Support Kiwanis’ fifth Object, “To provide a practical means to form enduring friendships, to render altruistic service, and to build a better community” by arranging visits to and from other clubs in our division and district, as well as inter-district get-togethers.
Duties: Coordinate meetings, visits, projects, and programs with other Kiwanis clubs and Kiwanis Family members.
Chairpersons: Juan Negroni, David Weber
Members: Harold Falber, Dedi Merced
Purpose: The committee’s purpose is to retain existing members and to recruit new members.
Duties: To accomplish this, the Membership Committee must work closely with the Program Committee and the Community Services Committee.
Memorial Weekend
Chairpersons: Juan Frank Ferrara
Members: Reed Ameden, David Burns, Steve Haas, Harvey Luft
Purpose: to lead Memorial Day Weekend activities.
Duties: to explore, propose to the board for approval, and manage all aspects of activities on Memorial Day Weekend 2025 and report the results in a report to the board no later than the club meeting on Saturday, June 28, 2025.
Term: the committee is dissolved upon successful execution of its duties.
Chairpersons: Amy Jenner
Members: Bill Brady, Amy Jenner, Harry Spencer, Steve Thomas, Tom Watson
Purpose: Identify and nominate candidates for officers and directors to fill vacant seats before the annual meeting. Other vacancies should be nominated within 60 days of his/her resignation.
Duties: Identify and nominate candidates for 5 officers and 5 directors to fill vacant seats prior to the annual meeting. Successors should be nominated within 60 days of his/her resignation. Traditionally, the Nominating Committee consists of a majority of our past presidents, the current president, and the president-elect.
Chairpersons: Lisa Wexler, Karen Chrisley
Members: not specified
Purpose: The Program Committee identifies and arranges programs for club meetings.
Duties: Evaluates existing programs, oversees program expansion or development, and facilitates board conversations about its programs.
Social Events
Chairpersons: [Vacant]
Members: not specified
Purpose: Provide fun and engaging social activities for everyone in Kiwanis.
Duties: The Social Events Committee plans and executes events designed to foster club member fellowship and family fun. The committee aims to break even financially annually.