Kiwanis Serves Veterans

BRIDGEPORT, Conn. — The Kiwanis Clubs of Weston, Bridgeport, and Norwalk treated veterans experiencing homelessness to a Super Bowl feast on gameday. Continuing a tradition begun over a decade ago, Kiwanians prepared or purchased food and decoration and served the veterans at two residences of Applied Behavioral Rehabilitation Institute, Inc. (ABRI): Homes for the Brave and The PFC Nicholas A. Madaras Home, Connecticut’s first and only community-based transitional home exclusively for women veterans experiencing homelessness and their young children.

The Kiwanis Super Bowl menu included spiral sliced ham, roast turkey, pulled pork barbecue, chili, macaroni and cheese, mixed greens salad, Italian hard bread, crudité, tortilla chips, guacamole, salsa, popcorn, cakes, fruit platters, brownies, and cookies. Beverages – milk, juice, and assorted soft drinks were provided by The Kiwanis Club of Bridgeport. Each veteran received a hand-decorated snack bag that The Kiwanis Club of Norwalk prepared.

Weston Kiwanis Past President Steve Thomas organized this year’s event and provided thematic serving ware and decorations for the dining room. Kiwanis members delivered their contributions to the feast to Norfield Congregational Church on the snowy Sunday morning. From Norfield, a contingent of volunteers traveled with the food to Homes for the Brave in Bridgeport, where they set up in the commercial-grade kitchen (upgraded with a commercial-grade stove in 2014 by Kiwanis clubs) and served the residents through the serving window.

Photographs contributed by Geoff Hollander.
